Calming Your Inner Storm


It is 6:13 AM. I sit on the edge of my bed looking out the window. I see the sun doing his morning routine of coming out and giving us all life, while the rain throws a shadow over what is normally something so magnificent. The pink, white, gray, and what I like to call the courting of rain. Together, they make for a very gloomy Monday morning.  

I listen to my affirmations to remember that nothing is forever and that change is the only thing I can count on.   

The day is starting. I take a deep breath. I feel all kinds of emotions and say to myself, “We all have dark days. Let's just take one day at a time and smile, from wherever it comes, to help our hearts feel the love that needs to come out.” 

It’s not every day that I wake up low on energy and have difficulty finding the positive, but, today, I don't give up. As the sun fights the rainy clouds, so must I fight my cloudy frame of mind. 

Moment to moment, day by day. The day is just starting. I take a deep breath and simply say, ”Everything will be ok.”   

Check out more from Sabina Rivera. See Portfolio and Follow her global adventures on Instagram.


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